Don't get me wrong, American's want and need reform. But I sincerely believe that if this bill was passed without bi-partisan support, the Democrats would have been massacred this November. Even if it is great for the country, which it is, health-care can't be rammed down our throats.
Should Democrats start over, I don't know. I don't know if anyone is so masochistic to want another year of this death-panel business, especially now that Sarah "Say it ain't so, Joe" Palin works for Fox. Honestly, I think that Obama should have focused on bank reform first, when populism against the banks was at its strongest point. But what's done is done.
As for reform, the Democrat's plans weren't perfect. They were probably too optimistic and expensive. But Republican's didn't do enough to bring new ideas to the table. Hopefully something happens, because the status-quo cannot be abided much longer. Just to put the situation in perspective, for a Utah audience-- over 360,000 Utahns are unemployed. 110 lose their insurance daily. Productivity losses because of lack of insurance will cost Utah $2 billion dollars. Health care costs are expected to raise $10,000 per family within the next decade.
Those numbers can't suit anybody's definition of good policy. What we need are solutions!
All I can say is this: If you for whatever reason don't think that healthcare reform is necessary, have a baby with a heart defect, spend over 4 mos. in the hospital with it, then look at the bills.