Monday, August 31, 2009

Torture Investigation Needed

The debate over the legality of "enhanced interrogation techniques" (i.e. torture) seems to have run its course; however, a new debate has been ignited regarding Department of Justice investigations into the interrogation techniques used by the CIA. Republican politicians, including Senator Hatch (R-UT) and former Vice President Chaney, have attacked Sec. Holder's investigations as purely political. I hardly think that investigations into this serious matter should be cast aside, just because there are political consequences. The American public and the world have right to know if illegal techniques were used and who used them. I am not referring to water-boarding, which was sadly considered to be legal under the Bush administration, but to techniques which were either expressly forbidden under the DOJ memos. Regardless of who was in office, if the acts were expressly forbidden, the perpetrators of those horrendous acts should be brought public and punished, national security dilemma or not.

I, for one, believe that national security should not be considered the eternal justification for evil that it has become. When is the line going to be drawn, and where? First it was interrogating foreigners, but I hardly think it unlikely that Bush and his crony lawyers would have found it difficult to justify interrogating American citizens. However, in my opinion it does not matter the nationality of the person. TORTURE IS WRONG! It should never be done, never discussed, and never justified. Crimes were committed and justice should be taken. If Clinton administration officials engaged in these acts, pre-9/11, they should be brought public too.

After WWII, the world demanded to know what had happened under fascist Germany. The Nuremberg trials helped bring to light the atrocities of a corrupt nation justifying murder for the Reich security. Now in our day and age we deserve an investigation and trial to uncover what went on in the name of Homeland security. The names change, but the justifications remain the same.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Utah County's Anti-Equality Newspaper

Anyone who follows Utah politics already understands that Utah County is the bastion of conservatism. So it shouldn't come as any surprise that The Daily Herald, headquartered in Provo, has a conservative edge in its writing, especially editorials. Normally I don't even pay attention to this small paper, but the recent ridiculous nature of one of the editorials has incited me to write a response. The argument in the editorial, "Crazy quilt gay agenda in SLC," is moronic. The article contends that the Salt Lake City should not adopt non-discrimination policies regarding the GLBT community because having different rules in that city would be confusing because there are different rules in the surrounding municipalities. The editorial also concludes that housing policies regarding the GLBT community should be the sole domain of the state government.

The logic of their first argument is beyond faulty, it's desperation. Housing policies are very much within the purview of municipal governments. Salt Lake, New York, Boston, Provo, all cities have their own zoning ordinances and policies regarding housing. If Salt Lake City wants to do the same, it has ever legal right to do so. It shouldn't matter if the law changes once you enter Salt Lake, housing rules change every time you enter a new city or township. The only ones who will need to notice are landlords. These land-owners already have to deal with a multitude of unique to Salt Lake rules, this won't be any more of a hassle than what already currently exists.

Salt Lake is willingly, almost daringly, moving forwards in its efforts to grant civil-rights to all its citizens. It should be commended and be allowed to serve as a model to other local governments in Utah, not harassed by a no-name paper that isn't even in the same county as Salt Lake. This looks like another method by backwards journalists to hinder and impede equality. But what would you expect, this is Provo!!!

For your convenience I have attached the hyper-link to the editorial:

Saturday, August 22, 2009

My First Blog

So, I have finally taken the plunge, I have entered the bloggers world!!! I figured that I had annoyed my Facebook friends enough with all of my political rants. So I thought to myself, self, what is a better way to voice my opinions? The answer, like a voice from heaven, much like Obama receives when receiving revelation on how to run our country, was crystal clear, create a blog. So here it is, a Bret Evans production- The Progressive's Perspective. Although I am sure that much of my discussion will be about politics, I am sure that there will be sprinkles of movie reviews and random satirical thoughts on BYU life. Anyhow, I hope it is at least entertaining for those of you who read it. So until my ranting begins.......