Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Joe the Plumber

This morning I had the wonderful opportunity to listen to Joe the Plumber and Cherilyn Eager on their state-wide book/campaign tour. The blessed privilege allowed me to not only listen to Cherilyn's wisdom as she advocated herself to be the next senator from Utah. Do not get me wrong, I have plenty of reasons to oppose Bennett; however, she did not highlight a single one of them.

Her biggest complaint is that he was an incumbent. She really didn't say much about why he needed to be replaced. She did harp on him over and over again for voting for the bailout. Lest she forget that it was President Bush who called for such an extreme measure. She also explained that the bailout is the reason for the massive budget deficit. Sure it added to the pain, but America's misadventure in Iraq did too.

However the highlight of the event was when she spoke about her hero and role-model-- Phyllis Schlafly. This is where I lost all interest. Any candidate endorsed by the fringe Eagle Forum loses all credibility. This group is anti-public education, anti-women, anti-equality, and, anti-choice. Cherilyn also lauded Sarah Palin and said she hopes she will become President. If you think Obama lacked experience, try out this beauty-queen.

However, I did find Joe the Plumber slightly refreshing. He wasn't running for office, just using his so called 'noteriety' to bring a little cash home. No shame in that. However, he did have the quote of the day. And this is a direct quote: "The ones I really hate are the liberals, I really just want to shoot them." This said only two minutes after his big speech on why the values of Christianity matter so much to him!!!

1 comment:

  1. Have you moved to comedy? I read this to my office and had them rolling on the floor. Thank you for this dash of humor.
